
Glacier Bay Alaska

Saturday, February 27, 2010

It has been awhile since I have posted anything. The mother board on our laptop died and we had to buy a new computer. We are still in the process of restoring all of our files and programs. It's hard to believe how much one becomes attached and depentent upon technology. We were able to salvage the hard drive and are transfering the data to the new computer. You kids could probably have done this in one afternoon but it is taking me more time. I depend on the computer to help with genealogy and photo and document archiving so I thought I had lost alot of hard work. I also decided that piles of research and several notebooks hasn't worked for me. I have duplicated my work several times over because i can't find what I did the last time. So I have made a resolution for this year to become organized and to dejunk my life, wish me luck. Now that I have access to the photos and other genealogy information I'll be posting more things for everyone to see. I enjoy the creativity of the family and their blogs and watching our family grow, keep up the good work.

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